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제주도 안내도 (Jeju Island Guidance Map | Designed by The Greenmap)

대한민국의 최남단에 위치한 특별자치도.

제주특별자치도는 제주도를 포함하여 80개의 크고 작은 도서로 구성되어 있으며,도 전체가 바다로 둘러싸여 있다.

면적은 1,849.02km2이고,인구는 674,0()1 명(2020년 11 월 기준)이다. 행정구역은 2개 시와 2개 군으로 이루어져 있었으나,2006년 7월 1일에 제주특별자치도가 출범하면서 제주시와 서귀포시 등 2개의 
행정시와 7개 읍,5개 면,31개 행정동(62개 법정동),172개 행정리(134개 법정리)로 개편되었다.

도청은 제주특별자치도 제주시 연동에 있다.
제주도는 바다 속에서 화산분출활동이 일어나 형성된 화산섬이다. 지금까지 알려진 바로는 약 120만 년 전부터 2만 5000년 전까지 4단계의 화산분출활동을 거쳐 현재와 같은 형태가 만들어진 것으로 되어있다.

경제활동 참가인구(2014년 기준)가 약 32만여 명으로 경제활동 참가율은 68%에 이르러 전국 평균 62.4%보다 높은 편이다. 특히 여성의 경제활동 참가율이 전국에서 가장 높은 편이다.

관광산업은 제주지역 총생산의 약 1/3을 차지하며 감귤산업과 함께 제주 경제의 근간을 이룬다.

1990년대 초까지는 제주가 지닌 천혜의 수려한 자연경관,이채로운 전통문화 등을 바탕으로 국내에서는 독점적인 호황을 누려 왔으나,해외여행의 자유화,서비스시장 개방 등 외적 요인으로 한때 둔화되었다가 최근에 지속적으로 관광객이 늘고 있다.

〈제주도 안내도〉
스케치&수채화 채색
59.4 x 84.1 cm


Special autonomous province located in the southernmost part of South Korea. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province consists of 80 large and small islands, including Jeju Island, and the entire province is surrounded by the sea.

It has an area of 1,849.02 km2 and a population of 674,0 (as of November 2020). The administrative district consisted of two cities and two counties, but when the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province was launched on July 1, 2006, there were two cities, Jeju City and Seogwipo City.

It was reorganized into administrative city, seven towns, five villages, 31 administrative dongs (62 administrative dongs), and 172 administrative ri (134 administrative ri).

The provincial government office is located in Yeon-dong, Jeju-si, Jeju-do. Jeju Island is a volcanic island formed by volcanic eruption activities in the sea.

According to what is known so far, it has been created in the form of the present after four stages of volcanic eruption from about 1.2 million years to 25,000 years ago.

The number of people participating in economic activities (as of 2014) stood at about 320,000, which is 68%, higher than the national average of 62.4%. In particular, women's participation in economic activities is the highest in the country.

The tourism industry accounts for about one-third of the total production in Jeju and forms the basis of the Jeju economy along with the citrus industry.

Until the early 1990s, Jeju had enjoyed an exclusive boom in Korea based on its beautiful natural scenery and unique traditional culture, but the number of tourists has continued to increase recently after slowing down due to external factors such as the liberalization of overseas travel and the opening of the service market.

Seo Yong-Chul
<Jeju island map> 
59.4 x 84.1 cm